Dimes In The Dozen

The Bird & The Bear - Session 43



"Elon's Island" - The Dimes discuss the grounding of SpaceX by the FAA - Why has SpaceX chosen to not create a proper launch site? - Elon Musk is consistently praised for all things he does with his companies but there doesn't seem to be much value in his "creations" - Can we really put the future of space travel in the hands of billionaire's with, "Peter Pan syndrome?" "How many people does it take to keep one plane in the air?" - The Dimes discuss the Writers Guild strike - A common experience of humans in 2023 is sharing an experience of what's happened on TV - How can we better identify writers as the creators of our favorite content? "I'd make her ride a bike, it's easier on the knees" - The Dimes discuss Steven Crowder's divorce - Why is Crowder still trying to control a narrative he can no longer can control? - There is a clear sign of abuse coming from Crowder but how far is he willing to go with his "proof?"