Angel Invest Boston

Stephan Smith, Founder & CTO - A Marketplace for Science



Invest with Boston's Top Angels: Sal's Syndicates “Their internal users will see that their access time to an instrument goes down. They can get on it sooner, which is counter-intuitive, but it is reality.” What if scientists could plan and run experiments much faster? Meenta’s software platform is making the use of high-end research equipment far more efficient. Co-Founder & CTO Stephan Smith is excited by the massive opportunity his startup is addressing. Highlights include: Sal Daher’s Intro Stephan Smith’s Bio “Half the time they sit idle and half the time if someone owns one of these instruments, there's still a long wait to get on them. They're not simple devices, but they are crucial for research.” “Used to take 3 months for you to book time on one of these high-end sequencing machines and have all the reagents and everything else lined up and the right people and so forth, and now you're doing it within 2 weeks, 12 days.” Biggest Obstacle: Convincing People That They Don’t Have to Do Things the O