Angel Invest Boston

Brendan Dowdall, CEO & Founder "IoT in Construction"



Invest Alongside Boston's Top Angels: Learn About Our Syndicates From studying Ancient Greek to building a business, founder Brendan Dowdall has traveled an interesting path. Construction is a staid industry but Brendan is revolutionizing it with data. Concrete Sensors’ innovative devices sit in concrete and transmit data. The payoff is already evident in time savings and improvements in quality experienced by the industry’s biggest players. As their data set grows, Concrete Sensors hopes to become the go-to source of information for contractors on concrete. I was an early investor in this company and am excited about its future. It was a fun and instructive interview with a delightful founder. Highlights include: Sal celebrates the success of portfolio company SQZ Biotech which is working on training our immune systems to fight cancers and other diseases (Interview with Armon Sharei of SQZ Biotech) Brendan Dowdall bio and introduction. Brendan Dowdall explains what Concrete Sensors does and why it matters.