Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Episode 281: Classic Rewind - The Next Generation: Who Will Want Your Family History Stuff? / New: Ask Us Anything on DNA With Paul Woodbury



Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. The guys begin with a big reveal from Fisher about a photo he has sought for 38 years. Next, the guys talk about a DNA result the brought about the breakup of an engaged couple… and not because they are related. Then… anyone want to try to do what the genetic genealogists do in crime fighting? One organization did. Hear who and what they were trying to show. Fisher and David then talk bad news/ good news surrounding the burning of a courthouse in Tennessee.  Next, it’s the story of a woman who is graduating from Georgetown University whose ancestry is well connected to her educational journey. Find out why. David then shines his Blogger Spotlight on Claire Santry of IrishGenealogyNews.com. Claire is passionate in her work and shares a lot of information to help the Irish genealogical researcher. Fisher then visits with Amy Johnson Crow, a nationally known ge