Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Encountering Jesus Week 3



In this week's episode of "Encountering Jesus," we dive into a significant moment in the disciples' journey with Jesus just before his ascension. As we reflect on the disciples' encounter with Jesus, we can imagine the questions they must have asked themselves. What do we do with a resurrected Jesus? How does this impact our lives? What changes does this bring? These questions resonate with us today as well. In our modern Western context, we have often been presented with a shallow version of the gospel—one that reduces it to a ticket to heaven after death. However, there is much more to the gospel than just the afterlife. Renowned theologian N. T. Wright frequently emphasizes that as followers of Jesus, we should wrestle not only with what happens after we die but also with how we live in the in-between. The ascension of Jesus provides us with a crucial understanding of what we are called to do in this in-between period. Join us in this episode as we explore how encountering Jesus reveals a grander story,