Politics With Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Greens Max Chandler-Mather on the housing fund, rent freezes and migration



The government’s planned Housing Australia Future Fund has hit a roadblock. Legislation for the $10 billion fund – the returns on which would be used to build social and affordable housing – is being blocked by an unusual alliance of the Coalition and the Greens. Max Chandler-Mather, who won the seat of Griffith in Brisbane from Labor’s Terri Butler, has been under personal attack by the government. Labor leader in the Senate Penny Wong accused him of ego-stroking, and the prime minister suggested he was hypocritical for wanting more social housing while opposing a developments in his electorate. Why is a party that has championed more social and affordable housing opposing an initiative to get more housing into the market? In this podcast, Chandler-Mather says: “Our criticisms are twofold"