Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Tithe or Die, and $1000 Seed! Creflo Dollar & Benny Hinn. Is Prosperity Biblical? [Part One]



Subscribe: Youtube.com/@KayandOluTaiwoIs Prosperity scriptural? Pastor Creflo Dollar once said during a sermon, that he wished he could take non-tithers through a side door and shoot them dead. He also said: "If you take time to tithe the tithe correctly it's impossible to go to hell."This abominable statement on tithing, and others less extreme, were recently renounced publicly by Creflo Dollar himself. Benny Hinn, known for his flamboyance and stage craft, also has made an about face on money matters. He has renounced the common appeals known in charismatic circles as "the $1,000 seed."Money is neither good nor bad. Money simply reflects the character of the one who possesses it. The Bible never said that money is evil, it says the love of money is. 1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. In this multi-part teaching we will do a deep dive on tithing, is it a legitimate New