Dimes In The Dozen

The Bird & The Bear - Session 45



“So other then that, I don’t have another life” - Daryl talks about his upcoming trip to Portland, how he made a friend through a machete, and his desire to travel as he pleases - Sammy goes boomer as he complains about potholes in the city, which leads into their first discussion about being overly concerned with how we’re perceived through the quality of our personal property "Maybe mud wrestling works, maybe it f**king doesn’t" - The Dimes discuss the concept of “Respectable Masculinity” - Andrew Tate Vs. Joe Rogan -  Can you be problematic for your platform if you’re a good man? - It feels like a lot of masculinity has become displaced in society and our growing sedentary lifestyles might be to blame - Can we reforge masculinity with the culture of acceptance and equality? "Everybody thought Rick Astley was black" - The Dimes discuss the complex topic of "Black Capitalism" - Daryl opens up the conversation explaining how an entire cultural subdivision has been put on the proverbial bench - The creation