D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 150 - Dr. Ricardo Komotar: Picking the Brain of a Neurosurgeon



Episode 150, we get the opportunity to interview Dr. Ricardo Komotar in between his numerous appointments. Ricardo tells us that he always wanted to be a brain surgeon from a very early age. The brain has always fascinated him. He explains that assessments and imaging can be useful in identifying potential problems in the brain, but too much screening can also be problematic. We also discuss various risk factors for tumor formation in the brain, with an emphasis on the role of nutrition, exercise and sleep for optimal brain function, health and longevity. The conversation also touches on the topics of traumatic brain injuries, dementia and new developments in the field of neurology. Dr. Komotar is Professor of Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in neuroscience from Duke University, spending a year at Oxford University in England to focus on neuropharmacology. He received his medical degree from The Johns Hopkins University School