
Troika #20: Take it Slow



This time its all about taking it _slow_. Songs or pieces of music that either sound better, or take on a new form, when slowed down. 'Feel it all Around' by Washed Out Ernest Greenes' project 'Washed Out' take the backing from Gary Low's 1983 single 'I Want You' and slows it to nice laid back pace, creating this lovely slurry sound. I'm told this is also the theme to the TV Series Portlandia, but I haven't seen that yet. 'How do I make you' by The Chipmunks To record Chipmunks versions of songs, they have to be sung at a slower pace, so that when sped up, both the pitch and length is correct. So what happens when you slow the whole back down to the pace of the original vocal? Sludgepop! There's loads more on Soundcloud ( Check out 'My Sharona in particular - I just felt it was a bit long for this episode,especially when you see how long the last track is… The Jurassic Park Theme - 1000% slower Drawn out to almost an hour, John Williams' theme to Jurassic P