
Troika #3: Music for Cycling



I'm not a fan of Kraftwerk at the best of times. I have friends who adore them, but they leave me cold. I was listening to one last week that was all about using a 'Pocket Calculator' - adding and subtracting. In particular, when there is a Cycling related programme on telly, the likelihood is that they will end up using their 'Tour De France'. Its feels about as far removed from the experience of cycling as I can think of. I love electronic music, but for me it doesn't have the right feel. I think Rapha have got it spot on. They're a high-end cycling clothes brand, but to promote their range they regularly publish videos of their rides. If you were cynical, you'd say these are just big adverts, which they are in part, but they're also very inspirational. It was watching these videos that made we want to get a proper road bike and head out into the countryside. Maybe they've twisted my view of what 'music to cycle to' should be, but these are the sounds in my head when I'm riding.