Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

The Hypertension Equation Lifestyle Genes and Your Blood Pressure



So let's talk about the hypertension equation... When was the last time that you checked your blood pressure? Last week? Last month? 3 months ago? A lot of us can’t even remember the last time we had our blood pressure checked. In fact, of the 1.3 billion adults worldwide who have high blood pressure, 46% don’t even have the slightest idea that their blood pressure is going through the roof. That statistic alone is really alarming, given the fact that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a major contributing factor to the world’s leading cause of death for the past few decades. That is why for this week’s Medicine Mondays, I will be talking to you about one of my all-time favorite topics—high blood pressure. Better pay attention, for we will not only be discussing what having uncontrolled high blood pressure means, but we will also touch on the topic of how to prevent it and what treatment options you have if you’re already diagnosed with it. Why you need to check this episode: Learn what having uncontrolled