The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

How to Increase Growth Focusing on Employee Experience | Tiffani Bova - 1675



Salespeople and leaders alike have access to great tech to simplify and streamline their processes. Tech, however, isn’t everything – if a seller isn’t spending much time selling, they’re still not going to hit quotas. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly talks with Tiffani Bova about shaping the employee experience to drive success. The Connection Between Employees and Growth Employees drive revenue.  Even though powerful tech is out there to help you sell, a salesperson only spends 28% of their time selling and 54% of salespeople miss quotas. If sales reps don’t have the right tools and spend all their time doing administrative work, they’re not providing an excellent customer experience. Salespeople aren’t in control of the pitfalls in their tech, but they can help sales leaders understand what isn’t working. The Employee Journey A lot of energy is often put into improving the buyer’s journey. But the salesperson’s journey needs to match. The more back-end work the employee has to do per e