Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Encountering Jesus Week 4



Welcome to Week 4 of the "Encountering Jesus" series, brought to you by Grace Hill Church. In this episode, we dive deeper into the profound teachings from Luke 24, exploring the questions that both the disciples and we wrestle with in our lives when encountering the resurrected Jesus. What does it mean for us? How does it change us? Last week, we discovered that when we encounter Jesus, we begin to see that He is the center of a grander story, the cause of a greater hope, and the certainty of a gentler promise. Today, we focus on the latter. Certainty is often elusive in our lives. We've experienced broken promises and have let others down with broken promises of our own. We are tempted to find certainty in our careers, health, family, hobbies, or even politics. However, placing our certainty in anything other than Jesus and His promises will inevitably disappoint and leave us feeling defeated. But Jesus is different. He is the certainty of a gentler promise, a promise that is a gift we do not earn or des