Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Facing Obstacles Like a Breadwinner



If you take a second, right now and reflect on your life, where do you need to step it up and exhibit some Breadwinning behavior? Recently, in my neighborhood for the last several years, I was having a problem with my new neighbors because they liked walking their dogs around the lot beside my house even though I have asked countless times to my neighbors to stop walking their dogs there. I have communicated with them. I have pleasant conversations with them, I also have unpleasant conversations with people about it, to no avail. Will I indulge and let somebody take me down the road and have a street fight? Of course not. Today, I’m going to share with you a story of how I practiced Breadwinning Behavior during this time of me getting tested by my neighbor.  I want to share with you all the experiences that I learned in this process because I firmly believe that it will help you practice Breadwinning behavior when faced with obstacles in pursuit of your goals.    In this episode, learn...: