Why Is Harriet Crying?

S3 Ep37: Bonus - Podcastaway (AND BIG NEWS)



KABOOM! Well what a busy time we've had. Harriet and Bobby had a baby, Sunil had inspiration for ANOTHER new podcast and a rat saved literally all of our lives. Also this episode has some big news regarding the podcast and the Patreon... We'll be pausing everything for a bit in order to rejig and reassess how to do the best by all of you, so nothing new for a while... In the meantime, we'll be releasing old bonus Patreon episodes on the main feed (these date back to August 2020) Also some guest episodes will be released on our Youtube (like the old days) so have a look for those too! Like this one with Bobby! IMPORTANT INFO:  FOR EXISTING PATRONS: Until we return (and we'll warn you of that) you WILL NOT BE CHARGED so feel free to stay signed up to access all the old stuff.  FOR NON-PATRONS: New Patrons WILL be charged for the first month when they sign up, so keep that in mind. It's just the way Patreon works, but feel free to join on the lowest tier to get all of the old stuff now... As a