First Reading

Acts 9:1–6 (7–20), with Susan Hylen



Saul's Non-Conversion Lectionary Date: May 1, 2022 [3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C] This week, we’re grateful to welcome Dr. Susan Hylen as our guest on First Reading. Susan is Associate Professor of New Testament at Emory University and the Candler School of Theology. She is a specialist in the history of women in the early church and in New Testament literature. A couple of her recent books you may be interested in are Women in the New Testament World, and A Modest Apostle: Thecla and the History of Women in the Early Church, both published by Oxford. Susan is an award-winning teacher and also serves as the general editor for the Journal of Biblical Literature—the flagship journal in the field of Biblical Studies. She is also an elder in the PC(USA) and has lots of experience on the church side of biblical engagement. It’s a real treat to have her with us to help us with this intriguing text.