Madison Church

How Do I Read the Bible? | Searching For Answers (Part 4) | Stephen Feith



Can you imagine starting a church in one of the most post-Christian cities in the U.S.? That's exactly what Megan and Stephen did when they moved to Madison, Wisconsin, with a mission to create a community that fights loneliness and isolation while connecting people with God and each other. Despite being told that a fast-growing or large church would never work here, they believed Jesus goes to the dark places and wanted to be his hands and feet in the city.One common belief we encounter is that if people simply read the Bible, they'll become believers. However, an atheist lawyer from the Freedom from Religion Foundation disagrees, arguing that the road to atheism is littered with Bibles that have been read cover to cover. So, we dive into the importance of not just reading the good book, but understanding how to approach it. We share a simple three-step model for Bible reading: read, reflect, and respond, as well as the significance of picking the right translation and not relying solely on paraphr