Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Recognizing and Responding to Workplace Mobbing: Expert Tips from Zoe Fragou (Ep. 146)



Have you ever wondered why some individuals in your workplace seem to be targeted with rumors, isolation, or even task manipulation? If so, you're not alone. In today's episode, we delve deep into an issue that's unfortunately widespread yet often swept under the rug – mobbing or workplace bullying.Host Denise Cooper is joined by the highly esteemed Organisational Psychologist, Zoe Fragou. Zoe brings a wealth of knowledge to this important topic, backed by her qualifications which include an MSc in Human Resources Management, a diploma in Business Coaching & Mentorship, and a Certificate in Agile Leadership. In this enlightening conversation, Zoe takes us through a deep dive on the topic of mobbing. Mobbing refers to the targetted act of trying to push someone out of an organization. Most often, this happens because a person thinks differently, they represent a change in the status quo, or they're being targetted for being part of a historically marginalized community. Fragou highlights that mobbing is n