Macabre London Podcast

Introducing: Having A Problem Podcast episode 1 - The Problem With Robots is... | PODCAST



Well what have we got here? Neil and Nikki are having a problem. If you feel your day to day life is littered with problems and issues, don't worry, we're here to draw back the curtain to reveal that in fact, everyone, everything, everywhere is HAVING A PROBLEM. Today's topic is "The Problem With Robots". We uncover the inherent problems with our mechanical friends or...lack thereof, a victorian soldier robot called Boilerplate who...well you'll just have to listen to that one and Neil discovers his teenage job is very safe from being snapped up by a mechanical arm as...they have a tendency to kill people! This is a little teaser of what's to come. The podcast will live on Patreon for the moment so if you'd like access to exclusive fortnightly episodes then please sign up, it's cheaper than a coffee! you're not so keen then please don't worry, normal Macabre London programming will resume ASAP!------------------------Podcast: London is a