The Vedic World View

The Holy Tradition and The Role of Gurus in Modern Times



Word of mouth is an unreliable means of communicating even at the best of times. And while the written word should theoretically be more accurate and more trustworthy than the spoken word, history has shown that that’s not the case. Words can be so easily misunderstood and misinterpreted that they can’t be relied upon to convey wisdom accurately over time.So what’s the most reliable way to preserve ancient truths and keep them relevant to the times?In this episode Thom explores the limitations of the intellect and the role of consciousness in creating a ‘direct line’ when it comes to accessing the wisdom needed for evolutionary progress to be made.He also explains the role of a Guru in ensuring that they develop successors with the consciousness and capability to adapt teachings to meet the need of the time, and from generation to generation, without diluting the purity of the original teaching.In short, it’s an explanation that it’s not what you know that’s important, it’s ‘how’ you know.Jai Guru Deva. Episo