The Vedic World View

What Makes The Sacred Powerful?



Many of us invoke the common phrase “Is nothing sacred?!” when we feel that something of value to us isn’t experienced the same way by others. What if we told you that everything could be sacred, to the extent that we make it so?All of us hold certain things sacred in our lives, whether it be a memento, an icon, a place, a ritual, maybe some kind of religious artifact or even a cuddly toy from our childhood. But how often do we give thought to what it is that makes these things sacred for us?This episode is a reminder from Thom that we can get more depth, more richness out of life, firstly by appreciating how we make things sacred, and secondly by choosing to make more things sacred in our life. Thom invites us to go beyond the symbolic nature of that which we hold sacred and to actually have a conscious relationship with it. He also shares how nothing is off the table when it comes to holding something sacred, leaving us open to the possibility of living a life where nothing is taken for granted and everythi