The Vedic World View

Colonization, Gossip and Jealousy, Giving Away Our Power



It’s time for another Q&A episode with Thom, this time covering a range of questions with a similar theme, acquiescing our power to others.In answer to a question about the harm of colonization, he reminds us that it’s not such a recent phenomenon, that humans have had an inclination to dominate groups from other regions for millenia, and will likely continue to do so. Thom explains that the societies that endure are those that remain invincible and who give back more than they take from their invaders.He discusses jealousy and gossip, and how we can liberate ourselves from the effects of the thoughts or words of others. It all boils down to a single false idea that can quite easily be dispelled.And in a slightly different vein, Thom explains the role of envy, as opposed to jealousy, and how we can use it to assert more power rather than to relinquish it, and how we can help others do the same.Episode Highlights: [00:45] Q - How Did Europe Get Away With Colonizing the World?[02:11] The Mechanics Behind Co