The Vedic World View

Hypnosis and Vedic Meditation



Hypnosis is often seen as having therapeutic value, a way of overcoming problems caused by an ‘incorrect psyche.’ Because of the layer of silence achieved inside a Vedic Meditation sitting, Vedic Meditation, we’re frequently asked if it is actually a form of hypnosis.The short answer is no. Vedic Meditation is not hypnosis, but to understand the answer fully requires a closer look at what hypnosis is. Though hypnosis may be done with good intent, and may apparently have some ‘good’ effects, and may appear to be beneficial, essentially it’s a form of manipulation. So in that sense, hypnosis is in fact the opposite of Vedic Meditation. Vedic Meditation provides an opportunity to transcend the mind, to go beyond the small s self, the field where hypnosis has an impact, to the big “S” Self, where hypnosis has no impact whatsoever, and where the psyche can obtain benefits far beyond anything that hypnosis can deliver, and in perfect alignment with Nature.Listen to Thom explain this more fully, looking at the subje