The Vedic World View

Post-Concussive Symptoms, Misfortune, and Dementia



Can Vedic Meditation heal post-concussive symptoms? How is the experience of misfortune framed within the Vedic worldview?Can Vedic Meditation help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia?In this, another Ask Thom Anything episode, Thom answers all of the above, including details of the broader healing effects of meditation in general. He reminds us that stress is the greatest cause of disease and that Vedic Meditation is the most powerful means of removing psychological and/or physiological stress, helping us to heal current health difficulties, and to prevent or reduce the effects of future health difficulties.He also shares a perspective on misfortune and difficulty that we can all make use of, even if we haven’t attained the highest consciousness states yet.No matter what your perspectives on health or misfortune are, you’ll find great value in hearing Thom speak on the subjects.Episode Highlights: [00:48] Q- Can Meditation Heal Post-Concussive Symptoms?[01:05] If They Can Think a Thought…[02:02] Medita