The Vedic World View

God, Gods and Goddesses Part 3



In this episode Thom puts a fresh perspective on the phrase “Oh my God” and shows us how there is more to this term than meets the eye. Having given us a solid foundation to the subject in Part 1 and Part 2, Thom uses this episode to set us up for our own personal experience.He explains that while there are many commonalities of archetypes across cultures, each of us shapes our experiences of “god” based on our own personal model of the world.This even includes those that have the view that there is no such thing as a god or a deity.Importantly, he explains that our own experience will be based on our own observations rather than requiring faith of any sort. It’s a paradigm that will provide relief for those who have struggled to make doctrines fit their experience. In the final analysis, you get to choose your own adventure, and there’s no hurry to come to a conclusion one way or another.Episode highlights: [00:40] Experiencing the Celestial Layer[02:15] Sleeping, Dreaming, Waking [03:02] Turiya - The Fourth