The Vedic World View

How Enemies Are Created



While most of us like to think of ourselves as ‘likeable’, we don’t always see others in the same way. Though we may have many similarities, our differences often stand in the way of having an amicable relationship.When our differences are too extreme, then feelings of enmity can evolve and, even without trying we can have an ‘enemy’ on our hands. This doesn’t necessarily mean we are at war with them, just noticing our differences enough to put a barrier between us.There is an alternative. One where we follow our natural human tendency to want to relate and simply do away with enmity altogether. Our Vedic Meditation practice helps us with this as it takes us to our ultimate form of sameness, the Unified Field, where there is no difference to be found.Listen in or read the transcript below and become part of the solution.Episode Highlights:[00:40] The Easiest Thing on Earth[01:35] Ignoring the Laws of Quantum Mechanics[02:38] The Beginning of Difference[03:38] “Out There”[04:40] “I Wouldn’t Behave That Way”[06