The Vedic World View

God, Gods and Goddesses Part 2



As you might expect, Thom is never short of a few words to say on the subject of God, gods and goddesses. He held a ten-day retreat on the subject several years ago and, more recently, published Part One of a three-part podcast series on the subject. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, we invite you to start there as it lays the foundation for this episode, Part Two of the series.In this episode Thom explores the seven states of consciousness and how they impact our experience and perception of God, gods and goddesses. He explains how shared experience evolves through the different levels, culminating in the ultimate shared experience of all, Unity Consciousness.Thom reminds us that our experience of God is a personal experience having nothing to do with faith or belief and everything to do with our perception.As with Part One, you’ll probably want to listen to this several times over to really let the message sink in. Episode Highlights: [00:54] Your Experience is Your Own Consciousness State [02:01