The Vedic World View

What Is Dharma?



Dharma, like many other Sanskrit words and phrases, is not well understood by many with an interest in Vedic wisdom.  It is often simplified to such an extent that it loses its true meaning.‘Purpose’ is perhaps the most common misinterpretation of the word dharma.  Many try to narrow their dharma down to a specific mission or purpose that they hope becomes a legacy for which they will be remembered.But dharma is much more interesting, more exciting even, than a singular mission or role in life.  In a constantly-changing ever-evolving universe, our dharma changes year by year, day by day, minute by minute.So rather than defining our life, our dharma defines our moments.In this episode Thom explains, as elegantly as always, that our dharma is to be vigilant, to become attuned to the need of the times and be an agent for progressive change.  It requires us to surrender to our role in the evolution of things.And the key to living our dharma?   Let’s just say our twice daily practice of daily Vedic Meditation give