The Vedic World View

State of Consciousness and Social Change



Thom Knoles discusses the social relevance of expanded awareness, how consciousness alone dictates behavior, and the mechanics of the spreader effect: how having merely 1% of the population practising Vedic Meditation is demonstrated to stimulate spontaneous right action in the broader, non-meditating community.Episode Highlights:  [00:42] Behaviour and Consciousness [03:52] Our Inability to Control Others[07:15] What Are People Going to Think?[09:28] Fear-Based Administration[11:07] Backlash is Counterproductive[14:15] Further Proof[17:57] A Social Failure[19:10] All-Inclusive Awareness - Cosmic Consciousness[25:22] Meeting the Greatest Need of the Time[27:41] Violating the Laws of Nature[31:03] Greater Productivity Through Vedic Meditation[34:48] Being the Inspiration for Change[36:16] A Solution to People Problems[39:05] The Maharishi Effect - A 1% Tipping Point[42:50] Nature Requires Adaptive Behaviours[46:54] Transition From an Age of Ignorance to an Age of EnlightenmentUseful Links: info@thomknoles.comt