

“The very best heroes and philosophers are dead.” ~Friedrich NietzscheThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.The best heroes and philosophers are dead?!What does that mean?I thought I’d ask my AI buddies, ChatGPT and BARD to see if they knew.Unfortunately, their interpretations weren’t convincing; they were too literal. Neither offered the insight I suspected was behind the statement.In short, both AI “experiments” had a similar, weak response:“Nietzsche is suggesting that the greatest heroes and philosophers are those who have already lived and died. He argues that these individuals have already made their mark on the world and that we can learn from their example.”I believed the statement meant something else.Perhaps it was my own philosophical leanings (Exhibit A: Habits 2 Goals), that drove me to keep searching.I slept on this riddle for a while. Finally, the answer occurred to me.Have you ever heard the advice:If you truly admire or love a hero (a movie star, athlete, musician, author,