Sbs Hakha Chin - Sbs Hakha Chin

Settlement Guide: what is superannuation? - Khuasak Tintuknak Lamsialtu: Tar-tlin-hlawh (Superannuation) timi cu zeidah a si?



If you are currently employed in Australia, your employer should be paying a proportion of every wage you receive into a superannuation fund. This may seem like another tax on your earnings, but it isn’t. So what is the purpose of super, and how does it benefit you? - Australia ram ah rian a tuan lio mi na si ahcun, rianngeitu nih na hmuhmi hlawh chung in, aarup ning tein tar-tlin-hlawh cu an chiahpiak lai. Na hlawh hmuhmi chungin ngunkhuai pekmi a lo tiah na ruat maw? Ngunkhuai pekmi cu asilo. Asile tar-tlin-hlawh timi cu zeidah a si, riantuanmi nangmah caah zeidah a hlawkmiaknak an pekmi a si.