Becoming Fosters

Fostering Sweet Dreams



Today, Kristy Payne carved out some time to sit down with me to talk. Kristy is a fellow foster mama who has been in the game WAY longer than me and it was so great spend some time soaking up her story. Kristi recognized a gap in the foster system and dove in head first to meet some of the most basic needs in our community, things like beds. Kristy, is the founder and executive director of an organization called Fostering Sweet Dreams. Fostering Sweet Dreams is a non profit that assists foster parents with tangible needs to be able to take placement of Foster Children in Oklahoma, helps reunify families and supports domestic abuse victims. Kristi will never know the fullness of her impact this side of Heaven. Meeting the needs of foster families in order for the family to take placement, meeting the needs of biological families in order to keep families together, helping victims of domestic violence recreate healthy living situations for their families, honestly, we aren’t just talking about a child having a