Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

How to Create Foreign Rights for Your Book 07-20-2023



Getting your books into foreign markets is something Jan Yager knows about. Her book, Foreign Rights and Wrongs opens up what I’ve called “mailbox” money for years. She joins me, Dr. Judith Briles, on the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Your takeaways include: • The six best ways to sell foreign rights. • What a co-agents are and how to work with them. • What the top foreign markets are and how to pitch to them. • Your book doesn’t have to be a bestseller to generate one or more foreign rights deals. • The #1 foreign right and the #1 foreign wrong you need to know about. • Timeframes for securing a rights sale. • The range of advances from a foreign rights sale. • What you need on a one-sheet. • How to write a query pitch letter to a foreign rights agent or publisher. • What to do when you get a NO. • The three best reasons to sell your book in other territories and/or languages. Final thoughts ... the international rights market moves at a slower pace. Don’t be impatient—you may be viewed