Kevin Gill Show

Kevin Gill Show #33 Vampiro (PART TWO)



Outspoken Luchador, Guardian Angel and Television personality Vampiro returns for part 2 to talk about the origins of his character, Mickey Rourke, pounds of cocaine, Brad Pitt, armed robbery, Milli Vanilli, Lucha Underground, blowing up in Mexico, how L.A. changed music, working with Sting, Ric Flair, PMA, his daughter, Old Firm Casuals, Eddie And The Cruisers, Juggalos, Ring Rydas, Rancid, punk rock,   Lars Frederiksen, Mick Jagger, Road Warriors, El Rey Network The Clash, Vince Russo, Konnan, The Ramones,  and more!  KG Talks Hell In The Cell, Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor, and more! Special Offer at end of episode!   "When you go from eating garbage to being a heartthrob, you lose control"- Vampiro