Madison Church

Exploring the Kingdom of God | Unseen (Part 4) | Stephen Feith



What if we told you our understanding of the physical realm can significantly influence our perspective of the supernatural? That's the journey we're embarking on as we wrap up our series on Unseen, exploring how the physical and spiritual intermingle, with the God of the universe in the mix. We use the lens of Mark 1:14-15 to scrutinize the Kingdom of God, shattering misconceptions and unveiling the vast implications of this biblical cornerstone.Have you ever wondered about the implications of God being at once natural and supernatural? This intriguing duality forms the crux of our discussions. We bask in the refreshing truth of the Gospel, acknowledging the tarnished reputation of the term 'evangelical', yet appreciating its essence as the bearer of good news. We confront our brokenness and its contribution to the world's suffering, but not without the reassurance that the good news proclaimed by Jesus and his early followers still holds true for us today, despite the disillusionmen