Madison Church

How Do I Deal With Anxiety? | Searching For Answers (Part 5) | Jason Webb



Does worry and anxiety seem to consume you, even when life is good? Discover how Jesus' wisdom in Luke 12 can help you overcome these feelings and live a more peaceful life. In the first part of this episode, we explore why worry and anxiety grip us so tightly and how Jesus' teachings can provide relief. We discuss how the worries we carry can crush us if we let them, and how reflecting on Jesus' words can help us battle worry in our personal lives.As we continue, we delve into the impact that worries and anxieties have on our relationships and our tendency to self-medicate as a coping mechanism. We also examine how a short-term perspective and overestimation of our own power feed into our anxiety. But fear not! Jesus offers us something more significant to live for – his kingdom, which is much bigger than our worries. Join us on a journey of faith as we learn how to seek and accept this life-changing gift.Support the show