David Hathaway

Jesus sustains all things by His Word / Hebrews Bible Study (Part 2) / Chapter 1



The Son (v3), is the Radiance of God’s Glory and the exact Representation of His Being. Jesus, as the Son, is in the SAME Image as God. Right back in Creation when God is speaking, He says, “Let US make man in Our Image!” That’s you and me. But intriguingly, it says here of Jesus, He is not just the Son, the exact Image of God and Co-Creator – it is He who SUSTAINS ALL THINGS BY HIS POWERFUL WORD! We see something very significant: the Power behind Jesus is the Power of His Word. He is – GOD SPEAKING! “You are MY SON; today I have become Your Father!” (v5). Paul is quoting Psalm 2:7. And again, “I will be His Father and He will be MY SON.” 2 Sam 7:14; 1 Chron 17:13. When God brought His Firstborn into the world, when He allowed HIS SON to be born on earth as a man, He says, “Let all God’s angels worship Him.” When Jesus became the visible, tangible Image of God on earth, the angels are instructed to worship Him!