The Gist

The Great Facebook De-Siloing Study



The 2016 election posed questions we still haven't fully answered about our elections, but today's guest, Dartmouth professor and elections researcher Brendan Nyhan, has some answers in the form of research he conducted with the cooperation of ... gulp ... Facebook. He's just out with some studies that put real numbers behind why Trump was elected in 2016, and what that could mean for 2024. Also on the show, Niger experiences a coup, and the world responds, "Um, like, could you guys stop that? Please?" And a California neighborhood is invaded by hungry goats. If only they had a $191,000 per year goat herder on the city payroll! Produced by Joel Patterson and Corey Wara Email us at To advertise on the show, visit: Subscribe to The Gist Subscribe: Follow Mikes Substack at: Pesca Profundities | Mike Pesca | Substack Learn more about your ad choices. Visit