Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Encountering Jesus Week 12



Join us this week as we delve into an extraordinary encounter of Jesus with a man possessed by demons, as recorded in Mark 5:1-20. This powerful teaching from our 'Encountering Jesus' series sheds light on the transformative impact of authenticity and the profound message of grace. In this episode, Jesus sails across the Sea of Galilee to the Gerasenes region, a place populated by Gentiles with diminished knowledge of God. There, He encounters a man possessed by an unclean spirit who lived among the tombs, displaying erratic and self-destructive behavior. The encounter with Jesus reveals the man's plight, the extent of demonic influence over his life, and how demons can manifest in individuals, causing muteness, blindness, and physical deformities. The demons identify Jesus as the Son of God and express fear of His judgment. As Jesus commands the demons to leave the man, they request permission to enter a herd of pigs nearby, leading to a dramatic demonstration of their influence, which terrifies the swine