New Dimensions

Reclaiming Wonder and Hope - Hank Wesselman - ND3597



Here we explore the reclaiming of wonder and hope. We are in need of an upgrade, a new story upon which the mythic foundation of culture rests. Wesselman says, “The old story about who we are, what we’re doing here, and what this world is all about is no longer supporting us . . . [W]e’re in need of a new story.” This is an invitation to co-create with spirit.Tags: Hank Wesselman, Medicine Person, Shaman, re-enchantment, F. Clark Howell, Don Johanson, Sandra Ingerman, Ghost Dance, Wovoka, Hale Makua, oversoul, dreams, intuition, climate change, Pagan, Rachel Naomi Remen, entelechy, Dalai Lama, deity yoga, mysticism, Shamanism, Dreams, Indigenous Wisdom, Intuition, Psychic, Ecology, Nature, Environment