Dread Media

Episode 832



This week on the show, we're talking about our imaginary friends! Maybe that came out wrong. First, Desmond and Tom review the Shudder original Daniel Isn't Real. Then Desmond goes solo on a Dread Media Top 5 Imaginary Friend Stories Across Media. Songs included: "Imaginary Days" by Mark Morton, "F(r)iend" by In Flames, "My Poor Friend Me" by Bad Religion, and "A Dialogue in B Flat Minor" by In Flames. And this is likely the first time in the 832-week run of this show that Desmond realized he's played the same artist twice in one episode while writing the show notes. Oh well. Send feedback to: dreadmediapodcast@gmail.com. Follow @DevilDinosaurJr and @dreadmedia on Twitter! Join the Facebook group! Support the show at www.patreon.com/dreadmedia. Visit www.desmondreddick.com, www.stayscary.wordpress.com, www.dreadmedia.bandcamp.com, www.kccinephile.com, and www.dejasdomicileofdread.blogspot.com.