David Hathaway

Delivered from the power of death / Hebrews Bible Study (Part 6) Chapter 2



By His resurrection, Jesus proved that the power of the devil has been broken and death has no more hold on us! Five hundred were witnesses to His resurrection! We have eternal life! The Bible says so! We have it NOW! My body might die, but aged 91, this is just an old temple. The ‘real me’ can never die! Jesus has delivered me! Can you understand the mercy, the goodness, the Love, and the Power of God? Can you understand that in order to make a way of escape, to break the curse and the power of the devil, Jesus HAD to be made subject to the power of the devil and all the things that plague us?! We don’t pray to a Holy God who has never experienced what we experience. When we pray, we call on the Name of Jesus, because He lived like you and me! He went through suffering to the point of death, so that He would be ‘fit’ to be our Intercessor and plead on our behalf. When God the Father looks at His Son, sitting at His Right Hand – He doesn’t see His Son, He sees you! He sees me! Because, v17, ‘in everything, He