What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

RELOAD: Using Data to Predict the Future of Business with Peter Fader



Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.    This week on the What’s Next! Podcast, I’m looking back at a conversation I had with Peter Fader, professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the co-founder of Zodiac.   Peter’s expertise centers on the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping and purchasing activities. His insights are reflected in his great book, Customer Centricity.     Customer centricity is one thing. Using customer lifetime value as a corporate valuation metric is an entirely different thing. Peter and several of his students produced some groundbreaking research recently which is turning Wall Street’s quarterly predictions on their head. Peter and his team analyzed Dish Networks, Overstock.com, Wayfair and Blue Apron using the public data provided to investors.  They came up with company valuations that within 3-5% difference of the forecasts Wall Street was making.    Next, as a fun academic exercise, his st