411 Child Podcast

Episode 3: Pt.1 Adolescence Explained!



In this podcast, Beth and Jenn discuss some of the theory behind why pre-adolescents and adolescents act as they do. These explanations are shared in plain English so that parents, teachers, child/adolescent providers, and teens themselves can understand adolescent theory. This is the first episode in a series of podcasts that will explain specific methods for communicating and teaching adolescents. One of the main problems of adolescence is that at the very time when the pre-teen/teen craves independence, parents panic. Until this time, most parents and children enjoyed a more free-flowing sharing relationship. It is scary to parents when their children who were once forthcoming, clam up. Unfortunately, this is exactly what is healthy for teens as they need to test their families values against those of their peers. Further, they need to create their own identity. Again, by testing their idea of self against those in their peer/teacher/coach world. Many teenage upsets stem from these very struggles. D