411 Child Podcast

Episode 2: Learning Styles Explained



n this episode, Beth and Jennifer discuss the differences between learning styles. Most teachers have been taught to develop lesson plans using the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles model. The idea is that people learn according to a preferred learning style. Many children, adolescents, or adults will proclaim,"I am a visual learner." This means that the person thinks that he or she can only really learn using visual stimuli (seeing pictures, hearing words, or having to do something) in order to remember and learn new information. Cognitive and neuropsychologists do not really believe in such a model since memory function definitely accommodates all three types of stimuli (simultaneously, in fact). However, education students are still taught that this is a great model to follow when lesson planning. Together, the child psychologist and teacher explore how this model and others might be used by teachers to make sense of learning. Beth and Jennifer suggest some practical strategies for