Diner Night

Episode 7 - Alex Pete and Zac Oberg



Finally, a hero of the Diner comes over to sit down and talk with Hannah, Matt, Taylor, and their guests. Robert Ball, whose daughter overcame a ceiling fan to the head, gives Taylor a preview of his future while the gang plays with his adorable baby. Other events in this eventful podcast: Zac Oberg (comic and writer) reads his poem that made Hannah and Taylor cry once, Alex Pete (improvisor for Black Sheep Improv) makes a teacher cry while doing a bit, and Matt Albani's dad almost gets eaten by a barricuda. Overall, we talk representation in writing, influences on our creative development (read as: people we stole ourselves from), politeness, the similarities in all stories, Majora's Mask and the kamikaze, the responsibility of a creator to relate to their audience and peers, being a jock, P. Diddy, Superman, and so much more. In the words of Robert Ball, "Jade! Take the baby, they're dealing with creativity!"