Pass The Relish

Ep 37: Hollywood in a Post-Snowden Era? Why is Game of Thrones Great? Survivor!



What’s up folks? This is episode 37 of the Pass the Relish podcast. On this week’s episode Evan and Mando catch up after watching Captain America: the Winter Soldier and wonder if Hollywood is drinking the Ed Snowden Kool-aid, Evan gets caught up on Game of Thrones and is here to tell us why it's so good, and, of course, PTR favorite… SURVIVOR. 1 min: Captain America, the NSA, and is Hollywood in some kind of Post-Ed Snowden Era? Meh, Probably not. 21 min: What makes Game of Thrones special? Trope busting of course! 33 min: Survivor, Survivor, SURVIVOR! Absolutely spoilers for all Captain America, GOT, and Survivor. Follow us on Tumblr: and Twitter! @relishblog Mando’s twitter: @irredeemablynba Evan’s twitter: @evanistics