Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 328: Beating the Chaos of Success



Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and you have a container that you are in so that container is multi-layered meaning we're on a planet it has a container and has a sphere right we're inside of a sphere we're on a sphere and then we have our own energy container that we're sitting inside and every time you have what I call Poopy thoughts what occurs is that container that you're sitting in gets filled up with all those goofy thoughts. One of the things that occurs is then you'll have an outburst of anger or fear or a repetitive pattern that shows up that you swear that you dealt with or what you will find is you have to have some sort of physical ailment or a health thing that comes up in order to get that stuff cleaned up out of that container. Now what I teach is how to deal with the stuff in that container so you don't have those things happening because generally what occurs when we're going through life is the more poopy stuff that's inside that container the more we tend to get N