Leven "chuck" Wilson's Podcast

Respecting The Future: S2 Ep. 8 "How important is Communication to Mothers? "(previously aired)



Children are listening to what is being said and not being said –verbals and nonverbals. You have to be very cognizant of what you are informing young people in your communication. What you are creating is the future. You can either create a productive child or you can create a Frankenstein. Communication means that we need to be diverse, read, understand, share and not be confined to our own walls. Technology has shrunk the world; no matter what your economical circumstance, get outside of who you are and see yourself in the future. That is a communication piece that our kids need to hear about and replicate. See yourself beyond your situation. As a Mom, it is so important to be connected, stay engaged in your role while focusing more on quality time as opposed to quantity time. Be concerned whether you are building a productive citizen or am I developing a Frankenstein. I am going to sacrifice for my child and make certain to communicate to my child.